DuckTales: Remastered (Sniper)
Genre: 2d platformer
Developer: WayForward Technologies
Publisher: Capcom

Vector-style, Flash-like... it goes by many names, but the aesthetic is very familiar by now to anyone who plays video games. Love it or hate it, DuckTales' sprite work is a wonderful representation of the technique-- some of the sprites are fantastically large! The stages themselves are the kind of run-of-the-mill, simple polygonal works typically seen in this kind of downloadable title.

Once in awhile a remixed soundtrack comes along that is particularly true to the spirit of the source material yet fresh enough to constitute its own identity; Jake Kaufman's work with this title is a perfect example. Voice acting, compliments of the original cartoon's cast, is phenomenal, particularly the work of Alan Young as Scrooge.

Level designs, control schemes, and engine physics are essentially lifted straight from the NES original. This is a good thing, because the NES title was certainly one of the better games in the system's library. There are options available to make the pogo behavior easier to initiate, and there are even two additional stages: one added to the beginning of the game, and one appended to the end.

DuckTales: Remastered's designers evidently "got" what made the original game so solid-- because they left it alone; everything satisfying about the character physics and stage designs are intact. Why, then, did the designers insist on adding infernal voice-acted cut-scenes? Thankfully one can turn them off after the first play-through-- but it's still irritating having to suffer through them once.

Sniper's verdict: